A love song – la versión en inglés!

IMG_0441¿Se acuerdan de la canción “En otro Jamboree”? (La que compuse junto con “El sol brilla aquí”,  himno del Jamboree del Sol). Era esa historia de amor entre un scout y una scout en un Jamboree…. bueno. Les había contado que con motivo del Jamboree Mundial en Inglaterra, hice una versión en inglés – con ayuda de mi esposo, cuyo inglés es superior al mío.  La llegamos a cantar en una fogata y también en The Black Magic – que era el “pub” de la delegación alemana.

Hoy , buscando unos parches, ENCONTRÉ la letra!!! La estoy leyendo y veo que gramaticalmente suena un poco tirada de los pelos…. pero así tenía que ser, para que rimara y a la vez guardara el mismo espíritu que la original. Aquí la anoto para ustedes.

Lyrics: Bettina + Stefan . Music: Bettina


My memories are still blury
yet this is a recent story.
I always was the cool guy
but now I`m so confused.
My friends and I were camping
so much fun we all were having
but suddenly, something better…


A couple hours before the camp
I packed all my stuff
squeezed my backpack tight
no wonder it scattered.
You stopped and gave a hand
– not a word, only your smile…
and I think that was the start of
the fire.


I keep in silence all these feelings in me
I`ll tell you later, maybe in other Jamboree.


Our camps were very near
‘saw you daily when it was clear:
you were ready to have breakfast
while I was just waking up.
My sleepy face made you smile,
my messy hair made you laugh.
And I loved that look of you…
so much!


At lunchtime I dissappeared
my whole patrol was searching me
because nobody knew
I was hanging out with you.
And often late at night
we plead the security guys:
“Oh, people, let us go
right now!”


I keep in silence all these feelings in me
I`ll tell you later, maybe in other Jamboree.


The event is almost over:
scout brotherhood got stronger.
But now, what can I do
if I only think… of you?
I`m so shy, don`t you see
I can’t tell you what’s in me
maybe it would spoil our perfect


So today you go back home
‘thousand miles, or maybe more.
You promise you will write soon,
we both know: that won’t be true.
I hug you with all my life,
say some jokes and then, good bye
looking down to hide the tears in
my eyes.


I keep in silence all these feelings in me
I`ll tell you later, maybe in other Jamboree.

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